In Step With the Seasons, is an exciting new program we are developing to help our AWC and the larger community focus on reconnecting with self, community and nature in ways that are nurturing and supportive. ISWS will tie together the comprehensive teachings of the Five Elements in Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM), the wisdom and healing that being in Nature can provide, and the nourishment and strength that Eating with the Seasons can provide. Currently, we are excited to begin one of the components of this program in conjunction with Lauren Bathgate, LCSW-C, PMH-C, (Guided in Nature). Lauren, and her unique approach to healing in the context of being in Nature, will lead groups in a local park focusing on how walking and movement in Nature can help us return to a sense of balance and healthy relationships. Many of us have become increasingly disconnected from one another, from ourselves, and from the natural world that is meant to support us. Our desire to help people reconnect with themselves, community and nature has inspired us to create this seasonal walking/nature group. We would love for you to join us!
Who can benefit from being a part of our nature therapy program?
When would this group meet?
We will follow the natural rhythms of the seasons according to Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM), knowing that being in nature provides invaluable lessons to help us renew and restore our health and vitality. We will meet in 6 week increments each season, so you can participate in one or all seasons throughout the year. During each session Lauren would lead the group in nature-informed therapy activities which would also include gentle movement or walks. Currently we are looking to meet at Double Rock Park in Parkville, MD since there are easily accessible trails that could accommodate every level of walking ability. We will provide the exact dates after getting feedback from those interested in our nature therapy group. TAKE OUR SURVEY
By integrating these themes and nature practices, individuals can align themselves with the natural rhythms of late summer, promoting overall health and well-being according to the principles of Traditional Chinese Medicine and Nature-Informed Therapy.
What is Nature-Informed Therapy (NIT):
We have all become increasingly disconnected from one another, from ourselves, and from the natural world that is meant to support us. The average person spends an incredible 93% of their time inside and an average of 10 hours per day behind a screen. The past several years have presented unique global challenges that have contributed to our adaptation for survival in this way. But, it doesn’t have to stay like this. While adaptation is based on survival, resiliency is where we learn to overcome our challenges and thrive. Because we humans co-evolved in the natural world with other life forms, we are wired for connection with, and attachment to, Mother Nature. Psychoevolutionary theory tells us that we need to spend more time with nature to experience better balance. Our instincts and intuition do, too. Just think of how soothing it can be to soak up the sun, listen to running water or chirping birds!
The path forward is simple. NIT experiences welcome you back to our shared roots, grounded in evidence-informed therapeutic practices, and intuitive and contemplative holistic practices. We hope you’ll join us for seasonal opportunities to reconnect with nature, yourself, and our vibrant community. It’s time to thrive, guided in nature!
We will gather at Double Rock Park for 6-week sessions throughout each of the 5 seasons based on the Traditional Chinese Medicine model. There will be opportunities for gentle, accessible movement, contemplative practices, and invitations to explore the mental health benefits of nature therapy. Each season will correspond with nature’s rhythm, allowing you the opportunity to move with, rather than against, the natural world.
Additional Info and FAQs:
Groups will include a minimum of 4 and a maximum of 10 participants. Each session will last approximately one hour with the option to continue your own reflection time in the park. Materials and suggestions will be provided for between sessions so that you can continue growing your relationship with Mother Nature throughout each season.
While this is not a traditional psychotherapeutic processing group, nature therapy groups offer rich experiential opportunities to foster deeper connections and can sometimes serve as the impetus for maintaining ongoing relationships.
The current series is designed for adults over age 18. Depending upon interest, there may be opportunities for family activities as well. It is designed to be accessible for individuals with a range of mobility levels and no prior experience is necessary. There is some walking and some seated ground/camp chair activity. We recommend bringing water to drink and wearing comfortable walking shoes.
Cost per Seasonal Session: $210
Any questions please email:
+1.443.219.1220 • 8813 Waltham Woods Road Suite 102 Parkville MD 21234 US
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